In the past week Apple has introduced a whole new version of the Final Cut Studio suite, including Final Cut Pro 7. New features include an easy export option, posting to MobileMe and YouTube and support for new ProRes codecs. Final Cut Pro is now Intel-only, matching Snow Leopard, and has a number of bug fixes and optimizations. The price for Final Cut Studio has dropped to only $999 and upgrades for $299.
Apple has also released a new version of the Time Capsule base station. You can get the original 1TB Time Capsule for $299 and then new 2TB for $499. 2TB will make Time Capsule useable as a Time Machine backup for those who have a 1TB drive in their Mac, as well as those who have several Macs on their network with total drive space of more then 1TB.
Rumors this week, besides more talk about a Mac tablet or netbook, centered around whether Apple would attend the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas next year. In the past, Apple hasn’t attended because it usually conflicts with MacWorld. But as Apple is no longer involved with MacWorld, there are rumors that Apple may attend and that Steve Jobs may even replace Bill Gates as the headline speaker. But no definite word from Apple either way.
It seems that there is always a new controversy surrounding iPhone App Store submissions. This last week several Google Voice-related apps have been removed from the store by Apple. Google Voice is a telephone service run by Google that combines voice mail, a personal phone number and call forwarding, among other features. Apps have allowed iPhone owners to access various features of Google Voice. Developers are upset at their sudden rejection and can only speculate as to Apple’s reasons.