New In ClipTools: Smart Files and Repeat Paste

New features in version 1.3 include Smart Files, Repeat Paste and the Reuse function in Smart Clips.

Comments: 5 Responses to “New In ClipTools: Smart Files and Repeat Paste”

    6 months ago

    Thanks bunches

    6 months ago

    This app was great to begin with, and it's getting better all the time. Thanks Gary, it should be part of the MacOS system :)

    David Sullivan
    6 months ago

    I have always found your tips and how to videos very useful. Now, add to it this ClipTools program that you just keep improving. What a time saver!

    Great job, thanks Gary

    Dave Taenzer
    6 months ago

    Thanks. I find ClipTools to be very helpful and the new features look very interesting.

    6 months ago

    I just discovered this awesome app a few days ago and finding this tutorial was icing on the cake. Thanks so much for sharing all your Mac abilities and talents. 👍🥰
    BTW: I am STILL trying to master Check Out Line in your GameScene app for IOS 🤪

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