Apple shocked the Mac news world on Monday with the announcement that Snow Leopard would be released in only 5 days. Tomorrow, Friday August 28, it will be available in Apple stores and ship on new Macs.
The price of a single upgrade from Leopard is $29. Anyone who bought a Mac on or after June 8 can get it for $10 if they sign up at the Apple site and order within 90 days of their Mac purchase.
You can find out more about Snow Leopard and how to upgrade in this week’s videos: Snow Leopard FAQ and The Top 10 Reasons to Upgrade to Snow Leopard.
Analysts at Piper Jaffray have forecasted that the new version of Mac OS X will sell 5 million copies in this next quarter. Meanwhile, other reports are coming in that computer sales in general are up, with Apple leading the pack in growth once again. Apple has started running some new TV spots as well.