Club MacMost Exclusive: Using ChatGPT To Generate Clipart

You can use ChatGPT along with Dall-E to create unique artwork based on a description. This can be used to make art for presentations, for example.

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Comments: 4 Responses to “Using ChatGPT To Generate Clipart”

    Chaz Cone
    12 months ago

    This is so cool! I have the need for this capability from time to time -- but not often enough to justify a $20/month expense. What do you think the chances are that they'll come up with a pricing model between free and $240/year for casual users? Limited to the number of queries per month or something?

    12 months ago

    Chaz: I think they will continue to play around with pricing. But I can't predict what they'll come up with.

    Shirley Putschoegl
    9 months ago

    I would like to play around with ChatGPT for clipart. I have looked in the Apple Store and there are a bunch of different ones that I could download. My question is, which one do I use and what does the icon look like? I know it has to be version 4. I don't want to download the wrong one. How do I know which version has Dall-E 3?

    9 months ago

    Shirley : None of them. Use the ChatGPT web site. Don't use a third-party app at all.

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