Using the Dock As an Alternative To Browser Bookmarks

Some people like to put web location files on the Desktop or in the Dock as an alternative to using browser bookmarks. A better idea may be to create a folder to hold web location files and then add that to the Dock. You can set it to List mode and then use file names and folders to further organize your Dock bookmarks.

Comments: 16 Responses to “Using the Dock As an Alternative To Browser Bookmarks”

    Edward Walsh
    6 years ago

    Hello Gary:

    Thanks for the excellent tip. I just gave it a try and it seems like an interesting option.

    That said, I created a 'New Folder' in my Documents folder and dragged it to the Dock. It is there but with nothing showing. Just a plain blue folder. What I was wondering if it is possible to edit the 'icon' and put on it 'Bookmarks' myself or a symbol of my choice so as to identify its use?

    Again, thanks for the tip. Much appreciated.


    Edward Walsh :-)

    6 years ago

    Edward: Yes. If you edit the actual folder's icon, just like you would any other, then the Dock icon will show it.

    Edward Walsh
    6 years ago

    Hello Gary:

    Thanks for the prompt reply. :-)

    That being the case, have you a video that shows how you can do this? Or do you know of someone who has created step-by-step directions on how to edit the folders icon? I am not as tech savvy as I would like to be.


    Edward Walsh :-)

    6 years ago

    Edward: Changing the icon is just a matter of using Command+i and pasting a new image over the icon. Building an icon is a little harder as it requires some graphics skills and a graphics app. I've done many tutorials on it in the past. Here is one:

    Edward Walsh
    6 years ago

    Hello Gary:

    Again, thanks for the quick reply. Your 'link' is very helpful. Will give it a try later and see if it is what I am hoping for. Nothing fancy, but something to make it different from the other icons on the Dock.

    Thank you very much...

    Edward Walsh

    Gwen Naden
    6 years ago

    Can this be done using IOS ipad 2

    Good video for OSX dock

    6 years ago

    Gwen: No. The Dock is a completely different type of thing on iOS.

    Robert Fort
    6 years ago

    I created a folder, put all my desktop items in it except for Macintosh HD, moved the folder to the dock, named it "Stuff", then mistakenly clicked remove from dock. Now I can't find it!

    Help, where did it go?

    6 years ago

    Robert: When you "move" a folder to the Dock you are actually just adding a shortcut/alias to that folder on the Dock. The folder itself doesn't move anywhere. So it is where it always was. Where did you put the folder when you created it?

    Robert Fort
    6 years ago

    I put it on the Desktop, but it isn't there. Only the Macintgosh HD folder is there.

    6 years ago

    Robert: You'll need to search for it. Either it is on the Desktop but you aren't seeing it (another area?) or you created the folder elsewhere.

    Robert Fort
    6 years ago

    I created the folder on the desktop, moved it to the dock, moved approximately 12 desktop items from the desktop to the folder then in the dock. I inadvertently clicked remove from dock, and now I can't find it. I did a spotright search to no avail.

    6 years ago

    Robert: At some point you must have done something different. "Moving" a folder to the Dock doesn't move it anywhere. It just creates an alias on the Dock. The original folder doesn't move.

    Jonathonl Lewys
    5 years ago

    Just loved the typo as "spotright" is obviously not working correctly :-)

    5 years ago

    Fantastic. Is it possible to put a external hard drive on the Dock? Thank You.

    5 years ago

    Robert: Sure. Try it. Go to a Finder View where you can see your external drives, like at the Computer level (Go, Computer). Then drag a drive to the right side of the Dock, the same place you would add any Finder location.

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