10 iMovie Tricks To Use In Your Next Video Project

Learn some quick and simple tricks you can use to enhance your next iMovie video project. You can adjust iMovie's backgrounds to make them unique or bring in your own. Add audio narration and adjust the fade in and out of any audio. Use cropping to zoom in and special effects like freeze frame and instant replay.

Comments: 5 Responses to “10 iMovie Tricks To Use In Your Next Video Project”

    6 years ago

    As always, your instruction is very clear as well as inspiring. Thank you.

    Lauren Eisen
    6 years ago

    thank you so much for this as i am in the middle of an iMovie project and this helped immensely!

    Brian Dickson
    6 years ago

    Could you please detail exactly how you "click the option Key" to mark control spots on an audio track. Thank you.

    6 years ago

    Brian: You hold the Option key on your keyboard and then use your mouse or trackpad to click on the line.

    John Scibal
    5 years ago

    Gary, I LOVE your videos (but really HATE the shirt). Love, John (Duke '78)

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