8 Ways ChatGPT Can Help You While Using Mac Numbers

If you work with Mac Numbers you can use ChatGPT to get help with functions and formulas, generate sample data, clean up data and more.

Comments: 7 Responses to “8 Ways ChatGPT Can Help You While Using Mac Numbers”

    1 year ago

    I often tell people to use the browser and ask questions for getting help, but you just showed that asking ChatGPT is way more helpful. Thanks.

    Chris O'Connor
    1 year ago

    I have been trying out some chatgpt operations based on your suggestions. I was asking it to average a string of numbers from a column in a numbers spreadsheet. interestingly it was not correctly summing the string I gave it. See this equation it gave me:

    "The total value of the provided string of numbers is:

    4 + 3 + 3 + 5 + 4 + 4 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 3 = 53"

    I knew the correct sum = 51. I was surprised that such a purportedly sophisticated site could fail such a simple task.

    1 year ago

    Chris: Yes, it can get some things wrong because it is simulating human response. So humans can get this wrong and thus so can ChatGPT. Always good to check results when asking a direct calculation question like that. Did you try calling it out? Like asking on the next line "But that is wrong." It will apologize and try again.

    Chris O'Connor
    1 year ago

    Gary, yes I did ask it to double check. I even asked it to take two numbers at a time and then sum the results. It seemed to be misreading some of the numbers. Eventually, after reframing the equation several times, I did get it to respond with a correct answer. But following all this, when attempting to re-ask the original question, it answered incorrectly again, this time coming up with 52, one closer but still wrong. But I get your point, it is perfectly imperfect. Love all your stuff!! Thanx

    1 year ago

    Thanks bunches

    Art Busbey
    12 months ago

    When I ask ChatGPT to make a spreadsheet, as you did in several examples, it tells me it can't make spreadsheets and keeps printing out a rather primitive text 'table' with delimiters (bang characters, commas, etc.). Did you do something special?

    12 months ago

    Art: Nothing special. Ask it for the data in CSV format, maybe?

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