Apple followed up last week’s Mac announcements with a new iPod model this week. The iPod Shuffle is now smaller and bigger — smaller size, but 4GB of storage. It also works with VoiceOver, technology that will read out song and playlist names. This allows you to select playlists on the screenless Shuffle. But the new model is already receiving criticism since it places the critical controls on the earbud wires, requiring the use of earbuds and ruling out using your own headphones or plugging it into a car. You can check out this episode of MacMost Now for more details.
Apple also released an update to iTunes this week, presumably to support the new Shuffle. But it also adds “iTunes Plus” as an import option so you can have your CD imports at the same quality level as iTunes purchases.
Rumors are getting stronger that a Mac NetBook might be on the way. Latest reports claim that 10 inch touch screens have been ordered by Apple. If this is true, then not only will a new product fill the NetBook niche, but also be the first touch screen Mac.