Should You Use Microsoft Office or Apple Apps on Your Mac?

Do you need to purchase and use Microsoft Office? Free Apple apps like Pages and Numbers are good alternatives to Word and Excel. But some people may still be better off buying Microsoft Office and having both sets of apps available.

Comments: 23 Responses to “Should You Use Microsoft Office or Apple Apps on Your Mac?”

    2 years ago

    Unfortunately Excel has some features that Numbers doesn't have :( same is true of pages vs. Word as you have noted, but are common and not esoteric. Having said that Word is horrible and it can't handle my autobiography, which Affinity Publisher can with no problems. You didn't mention OpenOffice ? I wish numbers would allow for unlimited header columns and macros. Unfortunately many people on windows assume everyone has word and they send a docx file instead of sharing as a pdf file.

    Jim Teasley
    2 years ago

    As a very recent convert from windows I am excited to learn the apps that I receive free from apple with my MacBook. I plan to never give Microsoft another dime based on their attitude and lack of customer service. Your videos are a breath if fresh air and have become my guiding light in my journey to learning my new wonderful computer. I only miss one Microsoft product. I need a database to replace access and would rejoice if I could find one at a reasonable price. All suggestions are welcome.

    Jackie MacDonaod
    2 years ago

    I had to install MS Word to be consistent with my publisher. and had to use it to make corrections and changes. I found it difficult to make the change. I had a big problem - Using Canadian Eng., it kept changing to American English. I had to get Am. Eng. deleted. In writing in French, MS Word doesn't let you put accents on capital letters. I have to write using pages, then convert to Word where the accent remains.

    John F.
    2 years ago

    Thing is, Microsoft resolutely refuses to use some of the best MacOS universal functions. Try looking up a word in Word, for instance. You'll be forced to use Microsoft's less elegant built-in. And drag and drop for graphics into Office apps stinks. That said, while Apple's apps look good, they've gotten a little worse over the years. I still have no idea why they got rid of descriptive URLs. And nobody else seems to care, including at Apple.

    2 years ago

    Gary: do you know if Excel can be purchased as a stand alone app? It looks like the only way to get it is to purchase an Office subscription. thx

    2 years ago

    Outlook is just great !!

    2 years ago

    Nick: Not stand-alone, it must be purchased with Office. But you can use the non-subscription option I show in this video. Or, if you use the subscription, you can choose to only download Excel from the Mac App Store.

    Howard Brazee
    2 years ago

    Other alternatives allow Office compatibility including macros. NeoOffice on the Mac and Collabora Office on the iPad are free. So if a couple of documents with macros are keeping you subscribed to MicroSoft office, these applications are worth looking into.

    Lawrence Moskal
    2 years ago

    I started in the Apple world at school, then the district changed over to Windows. So, I have learned both systems. I taught Professional Development courses on PowerPoint. After retiring from teaching, I went back to my Apple environment, but still use Word and Excel primarily. I do think that Keynote has some advantages over PowerPoint so I prefer making presentation in Keynote.

    Virginia Roy
    2 years ago

    Excel & Word features my preferred choices Sadly Microsoft cancelled me 6 months early without explanation: PLUS froze existing Word & Excel files. Had to purchase brand new membership 6 months early, but still cannot access past Excel Files. Now print every Microsoft work product JUST IN CASE! Inability to contact Microsoft is not business friendly!

    Rick Isaacs
    2 years ago

    I have used Word and Excel starting with the earliest versions up to the most recent. When I decided to switch to the Apple world, I decided to not add any third party apps to MacOS. Learning to use Pages and Numbers took awhile, but with a little extra time, patience, and some help from your videos, I find that the Apple Office apps are a good replacement for MS Office.

    Robert Gramling
    2 years ago

    What Apple app to choose if one needs an app that will accept changes later on? How does one choose to have things sorted by date within the app, say for instance a lifeline type doc that will always have additions? Keep up the great work. My new MBP 16" M1 and I greatly appreciate it. Bob

    2 years ago

    Robert: I'm not sure from your description what you are trying to DO. "Accept changes later on" is vague. Any document can be changed. But your request to have "things sorted by date" makes me think you are looking for a spreadsheet, maybe. That would be Numbers. I don't know what "a lifeline type doc" is.

    Robert Gramling
    2 years ago

    Gary: Life line:

    20 APR 1944 Born
    09 DEC 1970 Married
    05 MAR 1972 Jimmy born
    31 DEC 1971 Fell down & broke my arm

    Notice the last one is not in sequence. Im looking for a way to create a personal history that will allow me to auto-sort things I think of at a later date and want to add in its correct place chronologically. Tried it on an iPad Pro 12.9 and put it Files where it froze, not letting me edit at all. Hope this M1 MBP will allow me to do this.
    Again, we thank you. Bob

    2 years ago

    Robert: I'm confused about why you are saying "files." If you just want some information in a document with dates and a description, use Numbers.

    Swapnil W
    2 years ago

    Afraid Gary, this video of your is biased towards Apple Apps. MS Office apps especially Excel is way better than Numbers. I have tried to use numbers so many times and the functionality and UI is so inferior to excel.

    2 years ago

    Swapnil: Really? I say "Microsoft's apps ... are without a doubt the most powerful. I love the Apple apps and I use the Apple apps myself but there is no doubt that Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel are the most powerful word processor and spreadsheet app on the market."
    Doesn't sound biased toward Apple to me. But I guess that is subjective.

    Sheryl S. King
    2 years ago

    I used Word when I worked. When I retired, my family convinced me to switch to Apple, so I learned Pages and came to love it. Years later I still do. But then I agreed to take the minutes in a group to which I belong, and, guess what—Word required. So I bought it and relearned it. It is really confusing and way more complicated than is needed. I like the usability of Pages!

    Louis Martin
    2 years ago

    I have installed Rosetta 2 on my Mac mini M1 and was wondering if my Microsoft Office 2011 (mostly Word and Excel) would be recognized and work ? I own this suite and do not want to subscribe either monthly or annually for the latest version. If not, would a later standalone version work ? Thanks.

    2 years ago

    Louis: You can always try it, though using such an old version will probably present other problems. Why not just buy the current standalone version?

    Bill Scheerer
    2 years ago

    I've been converting to the Apple apps for a couple of years. Mail merge with Word and Excel is much easier than anything Apple has. What really surprised me was that when I converted a personal finance spreadsheet from Excel to Numbers the file size went from 101 KB in Excel to 1.1 MB in Numbers, an order of magnitude larger. I have no idea why Numbers is so much less space efficient.

    Clarence Briand
    2 years ago

    Five months ago,I was elected treasurer of our Condo corporation. I had many years experience using Appleworks, Excel & Quickbooks. Imagine my surprise when I opened Numbers & tried it out! With the help of your MacMost course, I presented a financial report that made the previous treasurer jealous. Keep up the good work!

    James E. Freedle II
    1 year ago

    I switched from using Microsoft Office to Apple iWork when Microsoft did not create Microsoft Office for the iPad & iPhone. Since that time Apple has increased the functionality to the point where when Microsoft finally released Office for the iPad & iPhone, there was no reason to ever install the software. Today I do not recommend anyone to install Microsoft Office on any device. Apple iWork surpasses the need of Microsoft Office. You can even export files to Microsoft Office formats.

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