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How to use a portable document scanner with iPad

I am a project manager and I am getting an iPad with 3G integrated to facilitate the email and company’s shared web calendars. But also I have the need of scanning documents from a portable scanner in my car and submit the info via email.

Will the iPad work with an external document scanner? Which will you recommend?

— Raul

Comments: 6 Responses to “How to use a portable document scanner with iPad”

    15 years ago

    The short answer is no. I don't believe there is any way to do this.
    What it would take would be a company to come up with a scanner that communicates with the iPad via Bluetooth (probably) and they would also have to come up with an app to support it. I've never heard of such a product, nor someone working on it.
    One work-around would be to get a nice little digital camera that takes good close-ups and use that to photograph the page. Then connect it to your iPad with the camera connection kit to transfer the document. In fact I just used my iphone's camera to take a picture of a piece of paper someone was holding in their hand and ended up with a great copy of it that almost looked like a scan.

    15 years ago

    I am looking for the same thing. With the new PDF feature in iBooks this would be great. There aren't enough people making excesories like this for the iPad.

    15 years ago

    i am looking for the samething taking pics may have to work but

    14 years ago

    the new canon p150 will be the perfect doc scanner if the OS is compatible

    14 years ago

    Three alternatives:
    -Use iphone as scanner with doc scanner app.

    -Scan to SD Card and transfer to iPad via the USB Camera adapter(sold seperately).

    -Use HP iPrint app to remotely connect to scanner from iPad. Please note that the App does not work with many scanners.

    13 years ago

    ION Copy Cat scanner works with IPads.

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