How To Save Photos From Apple Messages

If the data in your Messages app is taking too much space on your Mac, iPhone or in iCloud, then you should clear out old photos and videos in conversations. You can do this in the Messages apps, but also in Settings. Then be sure to save and delete photos as you get them moving forward.

Comments: 7 Responses to “How To Save Photos From Apple Messages”

    Robert Salter
    5 months ago

    If I have my messages app set to automatically delete, lets say after 7 days and the message(s) to delete has/have attachments, will the attachments to that message also be deleted after that 7 day delete setting or are the attachments stored on the device after the text portion of the message was auto deleted? Thank you

    5 months ago

    Robert: The attachments should be deleted, yes.

    Steve Jones
    5 months ago

    Great lesson today. Filing is about retrieval, not putting things away so the less you have to plow through when you want to find something, the better off you are.

    5 months ago

    Thanks bunches

    5 months ago

    Thanks bunches

    Bob Coté
    5 months ago

    Thanks for another great video. If I save a Messages image to Photos and then delete it from Messages, doesn’t it still take up the same amount of storage on my device. Isn’t the image simply in Photos instead of Messages?

    5 months ago

    Bob: Yes, but isn't that where you want the photos you save permanently? The idea is to keep the photos you really want in Photos, delete the rest so nothing is in Messages taking up space there. Also, not everyone uses iCloud for both Photos and Messages.

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