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Why are H.P. printer updates being received by persons on my network but not by me ?

I recently bought a H.P. printer and installed it on my computer. In my small office I have 2 employees which I have on my network and they also can use the printer. One of my employees has received an update from H.P. but I have not. We all Macbook Pros and of the 3 I have the oldest computer (15 months) and I still run Leopard while the other 2 run Snow Leopard. My internet connection is wireless but the printer is not. What is the reason my employee receives updates and I do not ?

Comments: One Response to “Why are H.P. printer updates being received by persons on my network but not by me ?”

    14 years ago

    So you are on Leopard and they are on Snow Leopard? Those updates are probably Snow Leopard updates. The drivers are difference between those OSes. So you probably have the latest Leopard printer drivers, so there is no update for you. The updates they are getting are then for Snow Leopard only.

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