MacMost Now 107: iPhone 2.0 Software New Features

Gary Rosenzweig takes a look at the new features of the iPhone 2.0 operating system: Exchange, Calculator, international keyboards, parental restrictions, typing shortcuts and more.

Comments: 19 Responses to “MacMost Now 107: iPhone 2.0 Software New Features”

    17 years ago


    Is there a way to sync notes from Mail onto the iPhone and vice versa?

    17 years ago

    MacTipper: Nope. I'm pretty sure that is still not there. Neither is copy and paste.

    17 years ago

    I'm still waiting on a "Print" button that will work with my wireless photo printer!!

    Great show Gary, lots of cool tips! Hope to see them in print somewhere on the site to go back too.

    17 years ago

    Gary, is there a service/application offered by Apple that allows you to reject sms/calls-(kinda like the MCleaner program does)?

      14 years ago

      ya there is a way but I don't know how to do it. Sorrrrrrryyyyyyyyy

    17 years ago

    Sasha: I'm actually doing a show very soon on that very subject.

      14 years ago

      that is cool.what is it called

    14 years ago

    I am trying to project an iPhone app to screen through a projector that is not a video. Does anyone know how I can do it?

      14 years ago

      Sorry, I don't follow. WHat do you mean "a projector that is not a video."

        14 years ago

        Sorry; I am trying to do a demonstration using and projecting my iPhone or iPad. Basically the way Steve Jobs announces products on stage with his iPhone or iPad and projecting to the big screen.

          14 years ago

          We'd all love to have that. But Steve Job's iPhones and iPads are specially modified versions that only Apple has.

            14 years ago

            Thank you Gary. Short of that, have you heard of anyone coming up with a way to do anything similar.

              14 years ago

              No, I haven't. I'd love to get something like this so I could record tutorials without shooting the iPad's screen with a camera.

                14 years ago

                Thanks. I was afraid you were going to say this. If I hear of anything, I'll post it.

              14 years ago

              There is a special cord you can use to connect it to the projector. My teacher does it sometimes with her ipad

                14 years ago

                Yes. But you have to find the one that fits your MacBook on the one end, and your projector on the other. Different year Macs use different connectors, and different projectors use different connectors. But there is a cord for most combinations.

      14 years ago

      I know that there is a way but I don't know how

    Roy from Ohio
    14 years ago

    Why does it ask for a credit card number if the app is for free ?

      14 years ago

      I'm not sure what you mean. Do you mean when you set up your iTunes account for the first time? Apple requires a credit card to set up an iTunes account, or you can use an iTunes gift card (purchase with cash at stores). That's just the way Apple does it. Probably prevents all sorts of fraudulent accounts and spammers, etc.

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