MacMost Now 751: Dashboard Widgets From Web Pages

You can grab a small portion of a web page and use that to create a Dashboard widget. This gives you easy access to information from often-updated web sites. You can view the widget on your Dashboard screen or mixed in with your desktop.

Comments: 8 Responses to “MacMost Now 751: Dashboard Widgets From Web Pages”

    13 years ago

    that is so neat, thanks as usual for allowing me to have much more enjoyment of my mac!!

    Robert Poland
    13 years ago

    I have a Widget, Stop Dashboard, "" that I click on and it stops the dashboard and all it's memory hogs.

    13 years ago

    Thanks! Now I have a MacMost widget so that I can always see the latest video. :-)

    13 years ago

    I tried this 3 times and each time all that happened was safari closed down with a note on screen saying safari unexpectedly quit.

    13 years ago

    Correction , for some reason or other the 4th time I tried it worked!
    Thanks for these videos as a recent convert from windows they stop me from tearing my hair out and swearing at the machine.

    David Christensen
    13 years ago

    I watched how you turned a part of a webpage in to a widget. it got me thinking. I have my mom and dad they have an imac and they are 85 and love to use the iMac. what i would like to do is to put all the programs they use in the dashboard. taking away the need for them to watch and lose icons on the bar. as programs load and are used when they use a diffrent app the last icon might not leave the bar or it leaves and they have a hard time finding it. if i can place the programs ? apps they use on dashboard can shrink the bar at the bottom of the monitor and they can ignor what is on or not on there. I can write java script either and i am sure if i could i could make something up there. we use face time daily and sometimes many times in a day. they really use their imac a lot. I hope you have some ideas for me thank you for your time and i love all your hints and tips, David Christensen

      13 years ago

      This does not sound like a good task for the Dashboard.
      Not sure what you mean by "the bar" -- do you mean the Dock at the bottom of the desktop? Apps that are in the Dock don't leave or move. Only apps that are not in the Dock will appear on the right, and then disappear when not in use. So just put the apps they use in the Dock so they stay there all the time. You can even turn on parental controls and lock the Dock so they can't drag anything out by mistake.

    13 years ago

    Thanks Gary, I enjoy your tutorials so much that I thought I'd start with your video on my dashboard. :)

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