Everything That's New In macOS Big Sur

Watch as I quickly give an overview of virtually everything new in macOS Big Sur. That includes more than 70 new features big and small.

Comments: 27 Responses to “Everything That's New In macOS Big Sur”

    Russell Tolman
    4 years ago

    thanks for the info; I am old and have a real problem being able to read several different areas of the OS; example it is really hard working in the calendar where the lines between the days is almost not there for me; (when looking at the month view). I was really excited with the ability to make the menu bar large. It was so hard for me with the smaller icons. I am downloading now. Will install as a clean install on and external drive and test like crazy. Thanks again.

    4 years ago

    Installation Failed ---- Won't go on either my desk top or laptop, both are on the list of being able to upgrade... Just thought I'd let you know, I screen shot my desktop if you'd like a copy...

    4 years ago

    Janice: Lots of reports of that at Apple's support site. It may just be their site is overloaded.

    4 years ago

    Gary, so many new changes its hard to keep up. Do you recommend installing on an older MacBook Pro, 2014? Thanks

    4 years ago

    Karl: I personally would install it on anything that fits the requirements. Why use an older version of macOS when you don't have to? You paid for macOS when you bought your Mac, so take advantage of what Apple gives you.

    4 years ago

    "...I personally would install it on anything that fits the requirements. Why use an older version of macOS when you don’t have to? You paid for macOS when you bought your Mac, so take advantage of what Apple gives you...."

    Brilliant advise! I was always delaying to install new OS, because of the glitches, despite always being really minor. BUT Yes...we have to take advantage of what Apple gives us !!!! Thanks for the wisdom, Garry!!!
    Zal, Israel

    4 years ago

    so the widgets are back! Good!

    Joy Clark
    4 years ago

    Warning in regards to using Parallels which I need for a couple related work applications (remote working) that do not exist for Mac. After installing Big Sur I tried to run my Parallels 15.1.4 and got a message that I needed to update. It turns out that I needed to update to 15.1.5. After that, all was good. No need to spend extra money.

    Sune Andersen
    4 years ago

    Hi Gary,
    You talk way too fast. Slow down - please. So I can understand as well.
    I get stressed by listening to you. I am lost.

    Thank you to Joe Clark about Parallels.

    Rich Howell
    4 years ago

    I've found a problem with Big Sur Messages. With previous OS, the emoji keyboard stayed visible in Messages. Now, it disappears when not in use. Is there a way to keep the emoji keyboard onscreen?

    4 years ago

    Rich: Not sure what you mean. There is no "emoji keyboard" on macOS like there is on iOS -- do you mean iOS? I don't see any difference on how this works between Catalina and Big Sur.

    Laverne Lachapelle
    4 years ago

    Spotlight is buggy.
    You say look for the arrow to indicate the existence of a Quick-Look window
    When I look up, for example, Calculator, I see any number of line item WITHOUT an arrow which, when I click on them nonetheless open a Quick-Look window.

    4 years ago

    Big Sur uses signed system volumes now. After upgrading to Big Sur my volumes look different when viewed in Disk Utility. Before DU showed the default volumes as Macintosh HD and Macintosh HD Data. Now shows under Big Sur as Macintosh HD, then mounted underneath that a System Snapshot, then Macintosh HD Data. 1st two Apple Advisors had no idea what was going on, 3rd Level support says that’s normal now for Big Sur. Gary, what do you show listed under DU with Big Sur? Is this normal now? Thx!

    4 years ago

    Eric: To me it looks similar to Catalina. One drive, one container, two volumes: Macintosh HD and Macintosh HD - Data.

    4 years ago

    I was hoping you wouldn’t say that. Here’s the email from Apple “Our Engineering department says the additional snapshot we are seeing mounted is expected behavior. We are seeing it listed this way as the advanced system volume technology provides even greater security against malicious software and tampering with the operating system. It also allows software updates to complete in the background while you work, which reduces the time it takes for your Mac to restart and complete updates.”

    4 years ago

    Eric: I wouldn't worry about it if everything is working fine. On my new MacBook Pro, I see Macintosh HD, and "Data" and then a snapshot under Macintosh HD.

    4 years ago

    My Big Sur version is:

    macOS 11.0.1 (20B29)

    4 years ago

    Gary: So, just to clarify, you are seeing the same thing as me on your MacBook Pro?

    -Macintosh HD
    - System Snapshot Mounted

    -Macintosh HD Data

    But you don’t see that on all your Macs running Big Sur?

    4 years ago

    Eric: More-or-less. Mine is just "Data." Maybe why I don't see it on my Mac Pro is FileVault. Again, I wouldn't worry about it unless something isn't working.

    4 years ago

    Gary: Thanks for all the reply backs. I finally found a satisfactory answer that explains this new change in Disk Utility. This System Snapshot Mounted does appear to be the new normal. You may find it interesting too. Here's the link...


    Carlos Saenz
    4 years ago

    Thanks for all of your great videos! A while back, I did your Black Bar Opening for iMovie using Keynote and it worked. After I downloaded macOS Big Sur, the Black Bar Opening doesn't work anymore! Is this because I upgraded to Big Sur?

    4 years ago

    Carlos: That shouldn't make a difference. But you'll have to do better than "doesn't work anymore" in explaining -- details? Maybe ask not here, but as a comment to that particular video tutorial so it is in context.

    4 years ago

    Re install fail: I had that result a number of times AFTER I had a good download. I noticed that it was seeing both my macbook pro and my Time Machine; I told it to only install on my macbook pro but I did not get it installed until after I ejected Time Machine. I can't guess whether it was a coincidence but it was a fact.

    4 years ago

    I can't get desktop pictures to change everyday because its greyed out in Big Sur

    4 years ago

    Tim: What have you selected as your desktop? It has to be something that makes sense, like a picture in a folder of images.

    4 years ago

    Hi Gary!
    Would you recommend changing my external Time Machine 4 TB HD from Mac OS Extended Journaled to APFS?
    Thanks in advance!

    4 years ago

    Robert: Do you mean erasing the drive, formatting as APFS, and then starting the Time Machine backup from scratch? Probably not worth it unless you are also starting from scratch for a different reason too, like you just got a new drive.

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