Following a Moving Subject With an Arrow or Circle in iMovie

If you want to have an arrow, circle or other graphic follow a subject or object in a video in iMovie, you'll need to first create the graphic, and then use picture-in-picture and the keyframe animation tools in iMovie to guide the graphic throughout the video action.

Comments: 9 Responses to “Following a Moving Subject With an Arrow or Circle in iMovie”

    Chandu Kale
    5 years ago

    This is fabulous. I am going to use this in my next movie. Makes me appear very savvy in technical things. Thanks to you.

    4 years ago

    Followed instructions exactly but when I exported arrow - it not show box - export as transparency. Arrow appears in white box on IMovie. I clicked no fill background in keynote

    4 years ago

    Wendy: Did you set the background to No Fill like I show? Are you using an old version of Keynote or macOS, maybe?

    4 years ago

    Arrow is in iMovie but when I try to move it in movie picture box the bottom of arrow is cut off. It shows a full arrow in the menu bar but in the movie box the image is cut off so only top part of arrow shows. I can move image around and resize but it doesn't show the full arrow. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Thanks!

    4 years ago

    Sam: Did you maybe use a non 16:9 size image?

    4 years ago

    I created the 480x480 image in Keynote just like you did. Should also note that as the video plays a little more of the arrow is revealed depending on camera movement but never the whole arrow.

    4 years ago

    Sam: Sorry, not sure what you are seeing. Are you using the latest Keynote and iMovie?

    4 years ago

    thank you, Gary. I will check and play around with it. Appreciate your help. Your video was excellent!

    beth edson
    4 years ago

    i did it all but the arroww movies up and down with the slide attached to it. i didn't do anything to animation :(. I got so far.....

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