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How Can I Convert an MS Word Template To Pages?

Make a template designed for MS Word work in Pages

I have some Avery labels that I want to image using as Avery Template that is only available in Word.

Comments: 4 Responses to “How Can I Convert an MS Word Template To Pages?”

    3 years ago

    First, are you sure you can't just get that template already in Pages format? If you go to the Avery site you can choose a template and then they have a variety of formats, including Pages. See

    You could always try opening it in Pages and see what you get.

    Otherwise, it would be easy to make your own. Just look at the specifications for the labels and use guides in Pages to set that up. It should only take a few minutes.

    Another option would be download the PDF version of the template, bring that into Pages, and then place guides over it to mimic the PDF.

    3 years ago

    Avery does not have a Pages option, only MS Word, the Adobe line, Photoshop, and Illustrator, there is a PDF selection. Their template will open in Pages but you can't move anything around. It appears that creating our own template as you suggested is the only option.

    3 years ago

    Dennis: But they do. I've used it before, and I just looked and Pages was an option again. But you have never mentioned the exact label type so I can't check that.

    3 years ago

    The icon on the right of the download screen is for pages

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