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How Do I Open a Bookmarks Folder In a Seperate Window?

Is there a way to open a bookmarks folder in a seperate window?

I’d like to be able to move a bookmark from one folder to another in a manner similar to moving a file from one folder to a seperate open folder as can be done in finder. It is very tedious to do it in a long column of open bookmark folders.
R Rutledge

Comments: 2 Responses to “How Do I Open a Bookmarks Folder In a Seperate Window?”

    2 years ago

    Yes, you can do that. I think though in most cases just using Bookmarks, Edit Bookmarks and then moving the bookmark in that window will work best.

    But if you really want to do it as two windows you can. Just create two Safari windows. Then in each one choose Bookmarks, Edit Bookmarks. Now you can drag a bookmark from one folder in one window to another folder in another window. It works just like having two Finder windows open.

    R Rutledge
    2 years ago

    Perfect solution for my needs. Thanks.

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