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How Do I See Two Different Tabs Side-by-side From the Same Safari Page?

I just bought an external monitor For my MacBook Air M3. I understand I can put two pages side-by-side but the problem I’m having is once I open Safari and I have my tabs available. I can’t put those tabs side-by-side.

I have looked at several tutorials and it’s just not syncing in. I’m so used to using a PC with two different monitors where I can pull one tab and drag it over to another monitor. I currently got a new job which requires for me to have two tabs side-by-side or I can. Zoom on one side and look up information on the other side. When you use. An external monitor, especially these new curved ones. They have a format where it’s already set up. You can put your pages on it, but I can’t figure it out on the MacBook Air. Please help me or at least guide me to the right direction. Thank you so much.

Comments: One Response to “How Do I See Two Different Tabs Side-by-side From the Same Safari Page?”

    6 months ago

    So you want to take two tabs in Safari and change those to see them side-by-side?

    I'm going to assume you are viewing Safari in a window, not Full Screen.
    The first step would be to move the second tab to its own window. Control+click on the tab heading at the top. Select "Move Tab To New Window."

    Now that you have two Safari windows, you can just reposition those windows as you like so you can see both. Or, you can selective first window, then choose Window, Tile Window to Left Of Screen. Then you'll need to select the second window which would be on the right side of the screen. This will put you into Split View mode with each window filling half the screen.

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