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How To Create TextEdit Document With Custom Tab Stops?

Is there a way I can create Text Edit document with Custom Tab Stops?
I want to save Text Edit document with multiple tab stops and save it while creating some lists.

Comments: 2 Responses to “How To Create TextEdit Document With Custom Tab Stops?”

    9 months ago

    If I understand what you are trying to do correctly, this sounds like a good use for Stationery Pads.

    So as an example, create a new Rich Text TextEdit document. You'll need to put at least one character in the document so the tabs have some sort of paragraph to belong to. So type a space, or better yet, a tab so there is just a blank tab there in the document. Don't add anything else, like a Return or anything. It should just be one character in the document.

    Now set the tabs up like you want them in the ruler. So you have just this one paragraph in the document and the tabs are set for that paragraph to your custom positions.

    Now save the document. Call it something like "My Template" or whatever you like. Then locate it in the Finder and select it. Then use File, Get Info. In the Info window, check the box "Stationery pad."

    Now you have a template you can use. Double-click this My Template file any time to create a new document based off of this template. It will not open the document, but create an instant copy of it. And since you have custom tab stops in this template document, you'll have those same custom tab stops in these copies you create.


    9 months ago

    Tanks Gary. It worked. Once again thanks for the helpful video

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