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How To Integrate Appointments With Contacts?

Hi Gary first of all I want to thank you for the great service you provide. You are really such a nice and kind person. I want to know if there is a way to keep tract of all your appointments or phone calls for a specific contact without writing them in the note section for a specific contact. Kind of using contacts and calendar as a customer relationship manager? Thanx

Comments: One Response to “How To Integrate Appointments With Contacts?”

    6 years ago

    How about doing a search? If you do a search in the Calendar app for that person, you should see a list of results for events that pertain to that person.

    Beyond that, it sounds like you may want to move on past the "personal" productivity apps to something more professional. There's a whole world of apps and services out there meant for tracking appointments, calls, contacts and the like. Many of them are specific to a profession or industry and are very powerful tools.

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