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Do I Need Two Apple Accounts To Make Two iPads Ignore Each Other?

Of the many uses I’ve had for my first-gen iPad, a major one is the storage and reading of PDF manuals for many Mac apps. Tomorrow the new iPad will arrive. As iOS apps become much more sophisticated, I’m thinking it might be good to keep the old iPad so I can read tutorial PDFs from it while trying to learn the new apps on the new iPad.
I’d appreciate your take on this idea, and if I were to follow through, how can I *avoid* having the two iPads sharing the same stuff? Apple assumes that syncing is what I want and I wouldn’t in this case. Would I need to establish a second Apple account so I can keep PDFs on one and the apps, etc., on the other?
John Russell

Comments: One Response to “Do I Need Two Apple Accounts To Make Two iPads Ignore Each Other?”

    13 years ago

    You can definitely have different stuff on each device. In fact I did a video on this recently.
    Are you using iBooks to view the PDFs? You can decide exactly which PDFs go on which iPad right there in iTunes. Very easy.

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