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fresh installation OS X lion on a Brand new HD?

Hi, I already install Lion. However, I just bought a new HD for my Macbook pro. How can I do a fresh installation in a new brand new HD as it used to be from the OS X installation DVD? Thanks!!!

Comments: 4 Responses to “fresh installation OS X lion on a Brand new HD?”

    14 years ago

    You can make a DVD if you like (lots of tutorials on that, just search for them). You could wait a few weeks for the USB flash drive version of Lion from Apple.
    Is the new HD going to replace the current one? Then the way I would do it is to clone the drive using Carbon Copy Cloner or Super Duper. But only if you have hardware to connect both drives at the same time.
    If you have an external drive, you could clone to it, and then clone back the new drive.

    14 years ago

    Thanks. But...yes, I found how to create a OS X Lion DVD. However, It says that once you installed, it delete itself from HD. It says you have to re-download it. I went to App Store and I can find the way to re-download it. Under the Lion logo it says "installed" and two option: "copy link" and "tell a friend". Any idea how to re-download once lion is installed? Thanks!

      14 years ago

      Nope. I don't think you can. Probably some way, but I don't know what it could be.

    14 years ago

    Yes. I kept reading and I found that holding "option" key and clicking on "purchased" on App Store application it let you re-download does not work all the time, but it worked for me at the third try..... weird...Now I am downloading it....

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