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How Do I COUNTIF Every Third Cell In a Row Contains a Particular Value?

I have created a spreadsheet of bowls match results in “apple Numbers”, with each match result containing three pieces of information.There are 18 matches worth of data on each row of the spread sheet, therefore a total of 54 cells per row and I want to test every third cell for a specific value.
eg: in a row of cells: d3,e3,f3,g3,h3,i3,j3,k3,l3,m3,n3,o3,q3,r3,s3 and I want to test d3,g3,j3,m3,q3 for a specific numeric vale and count the ones that contain that value.

Comments: One Response to “How Do I COUNTIF Every Third Cell In a Row Contains a Particular Value?”

    8 years ago

    Since there are only 5 cells in each row you want to test, I would just add up a series of IF statements. Like this:


    That gets you what you want, and provides maximum flexibility.

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