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How Do I Email/ SMS Invoice Generated In Numbers App?

I want to send detailed invoice generated in numbers to my clients.
Is it possible to do it directly from the Numbers app?
Vikram kumar

Comments: 3 Responses to “How Do I Email/ SMS Invoice Generated In Numbers App?”

    6 years ago

    Yes. You can do it several ways. One is that you can simply choose Share, Send a Copy. Select Email or Messages. Then you get some options. One of those options is to send it as a PDF. This is probably a good idea as you may not know if the recipient has Numbers, or is even on a Mac. Sending as a PDF is probably better as they can't easily edit it accidentally.

    You can also hit the Collaborate button and send them a link to the document in iCloud. But that is probably not what you are going for here.

    Vikram kumar
    6 years ago

    But sharing the document shares whole of the speadsheet which includes other parts too which I don’t want to share
    I just want 1 page to be shared which has the invoice only

    6 years ago

    Vikram: Then your best bet is to use Print. You can select This Sheet or All Sheets. Then click the PDF button and there is usually a shortcut right there to Mail it. You can also select Show in Preview there and then use Share in Preview to send it other ways.

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