I bought a new iMac 27 inch a few months ago. When i create a keynote file, it doesn’t sync in iCloud so that I can see it on my iPad. The OS and keynote are running the latest versions.
John Wilkins
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How Do I Get Keynote To Sync With iCloud?
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After you create the Keynote file, you need to save it. When you go to save it, you can put it anywhere you like on your Mac. But if you want it to be available in iCloud, then you need to save it to iCloud Drive. Look for that in the left sidebar of the Save dialog when saving it for the first time. Click on iCloud Drive or look for a iCloud category in the sidebar and a Pages folder under that -- this is simply the Pages folder in iCloud Drive. Either one can then be accessed by your iPad as well.
If you don't see a sidebar when you go to save the document, but instead just a small dialog with a "Where" pull-down menu, you can still select either place under "Where" or click the reveal button on the right to enlarge the Save dialog to get all options (next to the Save As field).
If this is an existing document, you can click on the title of the document at the top of the window and change its location to iCloud Drive or Pages - iCloud. You can also go to File, Move To to move it to either location.
Of course this all assumes you have iCloud Drive enabled on both your Mac and iPad.
I can get the keynote into the iCloud Drive but it will not sync to other devices. Pages and number files work fine, just not keynote.
John: What happens when you look at the iCloud.com web site and look in that folder? Do you see the file there? If not, then the file is not being saved to iCloud from your Mac. On the other hand, if the file is there on the web site, then it is on iCloud Drive, and it is just the case where your iPad is not seeing it. Once you figure out which, perhaps you can continue your investigation from there.
Another thing to consider: how big is the file? Perhaps it is much larger than a typical file and that is why you aren't see it sync and simply need to provide good Wi-Fi bandwidth on both ends and wait.