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How Do I Get Preview To Open PDF Files and Display In a Specfic Screen Location?

I am reviewing over 100 short essay’s that are in PDF format. I am using Preview to open and read the essay’s. Is there a way to have each essay come up in the same location and size on the screen as the previous one? Grabbing and going windows is kind of time consuming. Thanks in advance.

I am trying to keep my scoring sheet win one place on the screen and have the essays come up and get displayed in a their own consistent location. Moving and resizing each essay takes too much time.

Comments: One Response to “How Do I Get Preview To Open PDF Files and Display In a Specfic Screen Location?”

    11 months ago

    Each document has its own separate window size and position. So when you open document B, it won't adopt document A's size and position. Doing so may be what you want right now, but it would be the opposite of what you want in other situations and for other people.

    So switch to using tabs instead of new windows. In System Settings, go to Desktop & Dock, then under Windows look for Prefer Tabs When Opening Documents.

    Then open your first PDF. Position it and size it as you like. Now when you open more PDFs, the new document will be a tab in the same window.

    Just always remember to not close the last tab before opening a new one. Otherwise, the window will be gone and the next document will open in its own position.

    You can also explore using Split View with this, so one half the screen has your essay windows, and the other half has Preview with your score tabs.

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