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How Do I Make Stock Quotes and Exchange Rates Refresh In Numbers?

I inset functions for stock quotes and exchange rates in a Numbers sheet an it works fine, except it never refreshes the data. If I open the sheet after few days, it’s still showing the same quotes.
Is there a way to refresh the quotes ? Maybe when you reopen the Numbers sheet ?
Thank you.
Roberto Mancini

Comments: 2 Responses to “How Do I Make Stock Quotes and Exchange Rates Refresh In Numbers?”

    6 years ago

    The data should update automatically. But keep in mind it is daily data, with the closing from the previous day. So you won't see the numbers update in a given day. You'll have to wait until the next day's closing time to see the numbers change. Not sure when the exact time of the change happens, but it only comes 5 times per week.

    Roberto Mancini
    6 years ago

    Thank you Gary, will check that out.
    Please keep up the excellent job you are doing, appreciate it.

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