I have a budget spreadsheet, and have created a pie chart from the ‘category’ and ‘totals’ (£) columns.
I wanted the chart to show me the total amount spent on Utility Bills, Insurance, etc., per month but instead it is showing me the percentage spent in each type of bill.
I know that totals are possible because Apple shows this in a pie chart in one of their own budget templates.
I have Google-searched for the solution, to no avail.
Your help will be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks in advance.
Mary Frantzoulou
You mean you want the actual value, not the percentages? Just go to the Format sidebar on the right (click Format at the top right). Then select the whole Pie Chart. The Format sidebar will show Chart, Wedges, Arrange. Click Wedges. Then under Value Data Format, change it from Percentage to Same As Source Data, or perhaps Number.
Sorry, I forgot to mention that I am using Numbers for iOS (iPad) and not on the Mac.
Mary: the same option is available on the iPad. Select th pie chart, tap the paint brush button, look through the options for number format.
Fantastic, that worked a treat. Thank you. 👍🏼