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How Do I Transfer Files From iMac To an External Drive for Use On a PC?

Hi Gary, my son asked me to transfer a recovery disc which I have copied to my hard drive to a new external storage drive which he will be using on his pc. Is this possible & how best can I achieve it ?

My son’s pc hard drive crashed taking his entire photo collection with it. Technicians have recovered some of the photos which I have now copied to my Mac. I want to copy them to a new external hard drive for him to use on his pc.
Anne Burke

Comments: One Response to “How Do I Transfer Files From iMac To an External Drive for Use On a PC?”

    4 years ago

    Use Disk Utility to erase and format the external drive in a way that both the Mac and PC can read and write to. Use ExFAT as the format. Then save the files to it. When he tries to use the drive he'll be able to read it on his Windows PC.

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