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How Do I Upload From Photos?

When I am asked to upload an image to a website, it goes to “finder”. How do I upload an image from “photos”?

I belong to an iPhone camera forum . In order to upload photos I need to upload from Photos.
David Boucher

Comments: 2 Responses to “How Do I Upload From Photos?”

    1 year ago

    What you are probably seeing is a file choose AKA "File Open" dialog box, not the Finder. It looks similar and will let you navigate to a folder on your drive and select a file.

    If you look in the left sidebar of those window, you'll also see a Media section there with Photos listed in that section. Select that and you'll now be browsing your Photos library. Then you can choose a photo directly from the library without needing to export from Photos first.

    David Boucher
    1 year ago

    Fantastic - it works. Thank you.

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