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How To Choose the iOS Device Used To Authenticate Mac Safari Apple Pay Requests?

How do I get the Apple Pay verification prompt to choose a different iOS / iPad device.

I have 4 iOS/iPadOS devices. I usually only have one with me all the time, my iPhone 12 Pro.

I try to use Apple Pay whenever I can.

In Safari, on the Mac, when I make a purchase with Apple Pay, it requires me to authenticate on one of my iOS/iPad devices. It is usually not my iPhone 12 Pro, sometimes it is. Sometimes it is a device that is on the other side of the house and I have to run and retrieve that device to authenticate.

Is there a way to change that Apple Pay authentication request to target the device I have with me, my iPhone 12 Pro?
Vincent Cina

Comments: One Response to “How To Choose the iOS Device Used To Authenticate Mac Safari Apple Pay Requests?”

    4 years ago

    Go to the Settings app on your devices. Go to Wallet & Apple Pay. At the bottom turn off "Allow Payments on Mac" for all of your devices except your iPhone 12 Pro. Now it should only prompt you to complete Apple Pay on that one device.

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