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How to share address book

How can i share my address book with the other mac we use at home? One is Imac and other is macbook pro. We’re on the same network.

Comments: 2 Responses to “How to share address book”

    13 years ago

    You can use MobileMe for that. If you have MobileMe. But iCloud will have that as well. We'll have to wait to see exactly how that works when Mac OS X 10.7.2 comes out in a few weeks.

    13 years ago

    Open your address on file --> export --> address book archive. When asked to save, save it on the desk top. Then on the other mac make sure sharing is on. If you don't know how to do that I can explain. Once sharing is on import the address book archive from the desk of the one you saved it on to the one you want to import it to. & thats it ... it should be done.

    This is only if you do not have mobileme.

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