maand jaar per maand Categorie Categorie per maand
januari 2018 49 Tekenen ???
Datum Naam bedrag categorie
1-1-2018 waar tekst 1 10 Tekenen
2-1-2018 waar tekst 2 17 Schilderen
3-1-2018 waar tekst 3 22 Tekenen
12-2-2018 onwaar tekst 4 4 Tekenen
15-2-2018 onwaar tekst 5 8 Schilderen
Ryszard Bolechowski
I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you are asking. Do you just want to count the number of items in the table that are in a certain month? If so, create a new column and use MONTH to get the month from the Date column. So now you have a column with the month in it. Then use COUNTIF to count the number of rows that have that month in that column.
Hi Gary I've seen your youtube movie
“Monthly Expenses On a Single Spreadsheet (#1460)” I also made data like that. your calculation total per month everything. how do I do for example per “Type” in januari “Office” Cost totaal $10,39
=EN(JAAR(A)='Tabel 2' :: $B$2;MAAND(A)=MAAND('Tabel 2' :: $A$2))
=SOM('Tabel 1' :: D)
=SOM.ALS('Tabel 1' :: B;WAAR;'Tabel 1' :: D)
?????? Not ok
SOM.ALS(Tabel 1::Categorie;E2;Bedrag)
look for test file on me google drive
If you want to have two conditions on the sum, like month and category, then you need to use SUMIFS.
I'm going to try, Thank you
I do my best, is not good
SOM.ALS(Tabel 1::Categorie;E2;Bedrag)JAAR(Tabel 1::A)=$B$2;MAAND(Tabel 1::A)=MAAND($A$2)
It is hard for me to tell what is going on with the translations. Looks like the formula is missing some punctuation. Check the SUMIFS examples very carefully and check your formula carefully.