Gary, I was using Aperture and made the mistake of setting one of the images I was editing as my desktop image. I have gone to OS X preferences and found I can select all sorts of images, and would be glad to do so. However, I want to return to the default image of OS X Lion (I prefer the outer space look). In preferences I can’t locate a way to do that. Can you advise?
mike Wheless
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Return Desktop To Default Image (OS X Lion)
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Go into System Preferences, Desktop & Screen Saver like you did. Look on the left for a list of categories. You should see one called "Apple." Open that category up by clicking on the triangle next to it. The first subcategory should be Desktop Pictures. Select that. Then you should see Apple's default pictures, including the one you are looking for.
Worked like a charm. I had looked at the Apple choices, but not close enough. It was there and worked first time. Thanks again. I check your forum every day and also enjoy your podcasts podcasts.
Why use an Apple picture? Choose one of your own that you like. (you have a digital camera and iPhoto - right?) Much more satisfying and pleasing to the eye.
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