Hi Gary,
I’ve set up my Mail with Gmail, but now have an additional company webpage which has it’s own mail which I need to sync as well to Mail. But I’m confused about how to, since it’s not one of the standard mail providers. I have to log in to my webpage as admin and use something called Horde to read mail. I don’t understand imap and these things very well so could you tell me what the settings should be?
— Dhruv
You need to find out from your company (or your company's ISP) what type of email account it is (POP or IMAP -- hopefully it can do both, if so use IMAP). Then find out the info -- ID, password, server name, etc. Then just create a new account in Mail that is either POP or IMAP and fill in the blanks. In Mail, go to File, Add Account and go through it step-by-step. If you are missing a piece of info, go back to your company or ISP and ask.
Thanks, will do!