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Trouble syncing additional mail account

Hi Gary,

I’ve set up my Mail with Gmail, but now have an additional company webpage which has it’s own mail which I need to sync as well to Mail. But I’m confused about how to, since it’s not one of the standard mail providers. I have to log in to my webpage as admin and use something called Horde to read mail. I don’t understand imap and these things very well so could you tell me what the settings should be?

— Dhruv

Comments: 2 Responses to “Trouble syncing additional mail account”

    14 years ago

    You need to find out from your company (or your company's ISP) what type of email account it is (POP or IMAP -- hopefully it can do both, if so use IMAP). Then find out the info -- ID, password, server name, etc. Then just create a new account in Mail that is either POP or IMAP and fill in the blanks. In Mail, go to File, Add Account and go through it step-by-step. If you are missing a piece of info, go back to your company or ISP and ask.

    14 years ago

    Thanks, will do!

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