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What Do I Need To Do Before Upgrading To High Sierra?

I have a fairly new MacBook running Sierra (10.12.6).Should i upgrade now, for security, etc., and are there specific steps i should follow before downloading the update?Is this something i can use Apple Care + phone access for?
George H. Middleton

Comments: 2 Responses to “What Do I Need To Do Before Upgrading To High Sierra?”

    7 years ago

    No need to use AppleCare or the Genius Bar or anything like that. Upgrading is pretty straightforward. First, make sure you have just completed a Time Machine backup. That's true whether or not you are upgrading or doing anything at all -- always back up!

    Then, just launch the Mac App Store, go to the Updates section, wait for it to check for updates, and hit the Update button. Then follow any onscreen instructions.

    It could take several hours if your connection is slow as it needs to download the update. Then installation could take a while too. So it is best to do it while you have other things to do besides using your Mac.

    Here is Apple's page about upgrading: As you have a new Mac, it compatibility isn't an issue. And you most likely have enough space, though it will tell you if that is a problem.

    George H. Middleton
    7 years ago

    Hi Gary - thanks for your quick and positive response to my question. Did the upgrade this AM & it seems to have gone well.
    Keep up the good work.

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