How To Order Prints From Photos After Apple’s Print Service Is Gone

With Apple's Print service being retired after September 30, many people are wondering how to order prints, photo books, calendars and other products. Apple opened up Photos to allow third-party printing services last year. Already, several companies offer ordered prints and products directly from Photos. More will probably appear after first-party competition from Apple is gone.

Comments: 19 Responses to “How To Order Prints From Photos After Apple’s Print Service Is Gone”

    Roger Rossman
    7 years ago

    So after Sept. 30, 2018, I will no longer be able to order personalized calendars from Apple?
    Thanks. Roger

    7 years ago

    Roger: That's right.

    Christine MacDonald
    7 years ago

    Hi Gary

    I have been using Freeprints for quite awhile and they brilliant, you only have to pay for the postage.

    Art Koch
    7 years ago

    I am new to the Mac and have not ordered prints from Apple. What's the procedure?

    7 years ago

    Art: Well, no point trying it out now. You used to do it from within Photos, creating a new Project, a Print Project.

    7 years ago

    Great info Gary - what about printing a book from Apple's latest version of Pages - I saved it as an e-pub, but don't know how to print it.

    7 years ago

    Marilyn: Do you mean you want to send it out to a service to print? In that case, I would export as a PDF, not epub which is for ebook readers. Then search for a service online that will print and bind your PDF for you and send it.

    Brian K. Clark
    7 years ago

    Thanks Roger, great info 👍

    Brian K. Clark
    7 years ago

    Thank you Gary!

    Adam Snyder
    7 years ago

    Thanks for the info Gary. We do not use this service often, however we've been using Apple to print the next year's calendars for 6-7 years now. Giving those calendars as Christmas gifts. I suppose I will be learning who's the best on comparison to fill the gap afterwards. We look forward to seeing follow up from you.

    Felipe Ordóñez de Rivera
    7 years ago

    I have been using the iPhoto/Photos print service for more than 10 years to produce a Christmas card using one of the photos I have taken during the year. Yet another product Apple is abandoning … like Time Capsule … as the various MacBooks become increasingly user-unfriendly.

    Judy Dee
    7 years ago

    I received a beautifully printed book from the Apple service some years back. I was so impressed with the quality. But it was expense and took a month to arrive so I never used it again. So I’m not surprised this is shutting down.
    I look forward to hearing more about quality and turnaround times from new suppliers and whether it integrates fully with the Apple layout templates still.

    merry winslow
    7 years ago

    is it possible to order reprints of books ordered in the past?

    7 years ago

    merry: If you haven't deleted them from your Photos app, then they should still be there under "Projects." Then you can create another order from that.

    merry winslow
    7 years ago

    Thanks, Gary, But I lost that hard drive and all the backups . I
    was wondering if apple could trace the order! Made the book several years ago.

    7 years ago

    merry: I'm pretty certain that Apple doesn't keep the data from print orders around after it has shipped. If they did, it would be for a very short time.

    Dennis McBride
    7 years ago

    Did not know this. Their calendar was easiest to use. Who do you recommend. Thank you, really like your website.

    7 years ago

    Dennis: Don't have a recommendation for calendars yet as I haven't tried to order a non-Apple one yet.

    Kathy Wilson
    6 years ago

    I have used Apple print service for my Christmas card photos for several years. I worked 1.5 hours this AM to make the system work and finally went to your site for help. Thank you for telling me Apple changed things. I used your info for the extension but Shutterfly is not listed so used MPiX. Awful program and double the price. Hope the pictures come back better than their system. Thanks for the help, good job

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