In Line During Tough Economic Times

In line during the tough economic times of the past.
In line during the tough economic times of today.

In line at the Apple Store

Comments: 3 Responses to “In Line During Tough Economic Times”

    14 years ago

    As a long term mac user / professional heavily affected by the current economic disaster, I find the cartoon somewhat offensive, if not downright stupid.

    Many of my former clients as well as myself are on food stamps or shortly will be, and many certainly can't afford to upgrade our hardware and software, which makes for a viscous cycle of losing work because we aren't current and up to date on the latest products needing support from the fewer and fewer clients who can afford to upgrade ...

      14 years ago

      But the cartoon is pointing out exactly what you are saying. It is highlighting the irony. So how is the cartoon offensive, but your comment about the cartoon not offensive?

    14 years ago

    Absolute genius! Had me laughing out loud because it's so true. We live in a 'must have it now' society where no matter how poor the economy is doing or how my have lost their jobs, we still queue in line for the latest iGadget that we don't need nor can afford. During the riots here in the UK, a lot of the rooters were blaming poverty. Yet these same idiots were running around in £100 trainers and sending each other messages on £300 smartphones. I'm no different, I don't earn a great wage, yet I have a house full of phones and tablets and laptops and TVs.

    Anybody offended by this needs to grow a sense of humour and lighten up. Try smiling every now and again it really cheers you up. I have twin daughters on the way that I can't afford to support, but hey, still smiling, still buying needless gadgets :-)

    Sent from my iPad (which I don't need, but bought one anyway)

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