MacMost Now 381: iPad iBooks App

One of the major functions of the iPad is to serve as an e-books reader. The iBooks app from Apple allows you to both purchase and view e-books. Take a look at how the iBooks app works.

Comments: 5 Responses to “MacMost Now 381: iPad iBooks App”

    Sam Gregory
    15 years ago

    how do you turn BACK a page i portrait mode?

      15 years ago

      Swipe left to right. Or just tap the left side.

    15 years ago

    Great work again Gary ... love your videos :)

    John Nelms
    15 years ago

    A great site. Thank you!

    Rick Harker
    14 years ago

    Hi Gary,
    You answered a question that has baffled me regarding books not in the App store. My daughter saw a book on the iPad with pop up forests and characters that moved in the background and I tried in vein to find it. I didn't know you could import "epub" books from elsewhere.
    Thank you in heaps.

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