Productivity Series: Files and Folders

See how I organize my files and folders, use iCloud Drive and local files, an Archive drive, Finder views and more.

Comments: 8 Responses to “Productivity Series: Files and Folders”

    3 years ago

    Gary, I have a three external hard drives. One as a time machine backup. One for my Final Cut Pro projects and one for an archive. I see you have a time machine back up and an Archive drive. How do you (or I) backup these external drives. thanks Ken

    3 years ago

    Ken: My archive drive is backed up via both Time Machine and online with Backblaze.

    Razvan Mihai
    3 years ago

    Gary: Is there an Optimize Storage option for iOS /iPad OS? I tried to look under the apple id, similar to how you showed for macOS, and could not find it. Also, how do you deal with Photos taken on iPhones? Do you keep them in sync on your Mac?

    3 years ago

    Razvan: No, there is no option. It always behaves as if it is on. Files in the Files app appear there, and download on demand.

    Liz Babb
    3 years ago

    Hi Gary, it would be a great follow on to this post to find out how you name files. For example, I have a folder structure for a newsletter I write, but then within that do you file by year? How do you actually name your tutorial files for example? 2021.11.11 Productivity Series - Files and I'm always struggling with title structure for my files.

    3 years ago

    Liz: Each episode gets a folder, like 2567MissionControlTips. The number is the episode number, and then I try to describe the video in a few words. If you look in there the ScreenFlow file is 2567MissionControlTips.screenflow and the text file with the description is 2567MissionControlTips.txt and the exported video is 2567MissionControlTips.mp4, etc. But there will also be things like notes.txt and whatever else I need in that folder. The recent ones are in my Movies/ScreenFlow folder on my Mac, and they are archived to a big folder on my Archive drive after a few weeks.

    2 years ago

    When typing name of a file or folder, cursor randomly moves away from field where I’m typing, ending process of naming/renaming file folder or tab group in Safari or Finder. Happens on pressing any key- no pattern
    When I create new Safari TabGroup, default name Untitled is highlighted (as expected to allow renaming) but even if I do nothing (don’t touch Mac) after few seconds, highlighted area becomes greyed out, finalising folder name “Untitled”. Suggesting its not a keyboard/trackpad issue

    2 years ago

    Felicity: Sounds like perhaps you have a problem with your trackpad or mouse.

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