The New Mac App Store

So the new Mac App Store lets you find, buy and download software online? Isn’ that how we did it before?

Comments: 2 Responses to “The New Mac App Store”

    14 years ago

    I'm running Mac 10.6.8 Somewhere I lost my "A" icon and link to itunes app store. Every place I've found it requires I download and install Mac 10.6.6, which in turn won't load because I've got a more recent system.

    How can I get that appstore icon and link back. It seems that without it the only way I can upgrade to Lion is to buy the $70 USB drive.


      14 years ago

      Look in the Applications folder for the "App Store" app. If it is there, then just run it from there. You can also drag it to the Dock to replace the icon in th Dock that way.

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