Using Personal Automations To Play a Wake-Up Song, Podcast Or Playlist

New iOS 13 iPhone Shortcuts automation are great, but you can't have most automations play without manually confirming first. However, you can have an automation triggered when you stop an alarm, which leads to some interesting uses. In these examples, we'll have a song or podcast start when you turn off your alarm. We'll also create a more complex shortcut to play a playlist matching the name of the day.

Comments: 2 Responses to “Using Personal Automations To Play a Wake-Up Song, Podcast Or Playlist”

    5 years ago

    Thanks Gary.

    How can/could this process be utilized
    to trigger a podcast/playlist when initiating
    the workout app on our  watches?

    5 years ago

    Bob: Sorry, I'm not sure it can apply to the launching of apps on the Watch, not the iPhone. But give it a try and play around to see if you can do it.

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