MacMost: Video Podcast

Using Text Transformations and Building Your Own On a Mac
You can use default text transformations on your Mac to convert text to upper or lower case, or to capitalize every word. However, it is better to use styling in Pages. You can also create your own custom text transformation with Shortcuts.
Using the Mac Dock With Only Your Keyboard
While the Dock seems like a strictly graphical interface, you can actually use it with just the keyboard. You can launch apps, access advanced functions, and even rearrange the items in the Dock using keyboard shortcuts.
Using Memoji Creatively In Presentations, Documents, Videos and More
Memoji are fun to use in Messages on your iPhone or as stickers on your Mac, but you can use them for so much more. But creating little characters that look like you, colleagues or students you can make better presentations, documents and videos.
Watching Video With Picture-In-Picture On a Mac
You can use Picture-In-Picture to watch a video on your Mac while you do other things. It places the video in a small window that floats on top of other windows. You can use Picture-In-Picture on web videos, the TV app, and other places.
10 Ways To Clean Your Mac Desktop
If you have a messy Mac Desktop and want to clean it up, there are several techniques you can use. You can do something quick and simple to tidy up, or get to work and go through those files to organize them better.
10 Ways To Transfer Files Or Photos Between Mac, iPhone and iPad
You have many options when it comes to transferring files between your Mac and iOS devices. You can keep it simple with AirDrop or iCloud Drive, or use a cable or Wi-Fi to move files, regular networking, the Finder, and more.
Setting Your iPhone To Listen For Sounds
You can set up your iPhone so it listens for sounds like doorbells, glass breaking or a baby crying, and then alert you with a tone or a vibration.
iCloud Drive With or Without Desktop & Documents Folders
The Desktop & Documents Folders feature of iCloud Drive lets you decide whether those two folders are stored only on your local Mac's hard drive, or as part of iCloud Drive and available across all of your Apple devices.
20 Ways You Can Use Web Page Links On A Mac
There are many ways to store and recall Web locations other than just plain browser bookmarks. Learn how to create lists and documents, add to contacts and events, even make Menu Bar and keyboard shortcuts.
Creating Shortcuts That Accept Voice Input
When creating Shortcuts for the Mac or iOS you can use voice input easily when you trigger the Shortcut with Siri.
Using the Finder With Just Your Keyboard
The Finder is easily controlled with a mouse or trackpad, but if you prefer to use your keyboard you can access most functions if you know the right keys to press.
Get the Most From Your iPhone Virtual Keyboard
The iPhone onscreen keyboard is something you probably use often, but do you know all of its time-saving features? Learn how to swipe-type, access character variations, use predictive text, access the hidden trackpad and more.
10 Underused Features Of 10 Different Mac Apps
With so many features in so many apps, it is easy to overlook some very useful functions in apps you use every day. Learn about rarely-used features of Pages, Reminders, Calendar, the Finder and more.
Alternative Ways To Place Images In Pages Documents
While you can't change the default settings for new images in Pages, you can use techniques like custom Styles, duplicate, Media Placeholders and a template document to make it easier to place multiple images with the same settings.
Test Your Network Speed On a Mac
You can test your network speed on a Mac using speed test websites or a simple Terminal command in macOS Monterey. You can also easily put that Terminal command inside a Shortcut and then easily run a speed test from the Menu Bar any time you wish.
What Does a Photo's Pixels Per Inch Mean? (MacMost 2697)
Sometimes when you provide a photo to be printed or used in a publication, you will be asked about pixels per inch, or PPI. But PPI isn't really important. Only the number of pixels in the image matters, PPI is just a setting in the file.
13 Things You Should Be Doing To Protect Your iPhone
Here's a list of things you should check for on your iPhone to make sure you are protected in case it is lost, stolen or someone tries to steal your information.
The Differences Between Duplicate And Save As
In most apps you can choose to Duplicate the current document, or use a hidden Save As command to do something very similar. What are the differences between the two commands and what other alternatives are there?
10 Strategies for Dealing With a Small Hard Drive
If the drive inside your Mac is too small, there are some ways to deal with it until you get your next Mac. You can put some things on external drives, use iCloud, offload apps, and try some other techniques.
7 Mac Keyboard Shortcuts To Forget and What To Use Instead
Keyboard shortcuts are handy and save time, but some of the keyboard shortcuts you are using right now may not be the best way to go. Here are some examples of common keyboard shortcuts that have better alternatives in many situations.