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How Do I Change a Formula In Numbers?

I’m trying to change a formula (formula bar shows up on bottom of spreadsheet). I can’t get into the formula to change; I must type in a new one.

Comments: 4 Responses to “How Do I Change a Formula In Numbers?”

    8 years ago

    You simply need to double-click on the cell in the table. The bar at the bottom is just a viewer. You need to edit it "in" the cell. You can also choose Edit, Edit Formula or the keyboard shortcut Control+= to start editing.

    8 years ago

    I thought I was doing that.....evidently not! Thank you for such a quick response!

    8 years ago

    I have an existing formula with a $c expression in it that I want to use again referring to a new table. How can I get the set formula to refer to new table? It seems to be locked into its previous cell addresses

    8 years ago

    Roger: In the original formula, click on the C you see there and you should see "Preserve Column." Try unchecking that to see if it works.

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