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What Are the Keyboard Shortcuts for Navigating the Messages List In Mail?

Looking for keyboard shortcuts in Mail to jump to the email at the top of the message list or at the bottom of the message list. Currently, when I select a message deep in the list, the only way I’ve found to get to the top or bottom of the list is to wiggle the mouse pointer up and down over the messages list so the scroll bar appears, click and hold the selector in the scroll bar and drag it up or down. Seems like there must be a keyboard shortcut for this, but I haven’t found it. I looked in the Mail menus and the help documentation, keyboard shortcuts–no luck.

Easier, quicker navigation over the list of email messages. I can do this by clicking/holding/dragging the scroll window cursor, but this takes dexterity, and it’s easy to drop the cursor. A keyboard shortcut, like CMD ^ for example, would be much easier.

Device: Mac Running Monterey

App: Mac Mail

Comments: One Response to “What Are the Keyboard Shortcuts for Navigating the Messages List In Mail?”

    3 years ago

    You can use Edit, Find, Jump To Top (Control+Command+t) to move the list to the top. Page Up will work too. If you have a keyboard without the Page Up key, then FN+Up Arrow is how you do a Page Up. The Home Button (or FN+Left Arrow) seems to work as well.

    But these just scroll back to the top, then don't select the first message. You'll have to do that with a click.

    I find that Command+A will select all messages if you are focused on the list, and then pressing a or 1 after that will attempt to jump to the first message in the list that matches a or 1, which somehow always seems to be the second message since it is an odd list with no clear alphabetical order. So then an Up Arrow gets you to the top.

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