The following is my response I just sent to Apple regarding Apple’s email about reception problems:
Your article may make sense to someone but not me. Previous to buying my 4G I had a 3G iPhone for 2 years. Even though the bars were low when I used my iPhone at my home I was able to get cell service. With my new 4G if my left hand happens to be in the wrong place my 4G iPhone goes into “No Service” mode. That means I cannot send or receive phone calls or it drops calls when part of my hand is in the wrong place. Telling me I can return my iPhone for a full refund is a cop out for solving your problem. I have ordered a bumper from Apple for $30 and I am waiting for delivery probably next week. If the bumper helps I feel Apple should reimburse me the $30 as a gesture of good will. I cannot believe your answer that the number of bars on the 4G is different than on the 3G. No Service means No Service. Which means No Bars.
As a company, I believe Apple could have come up with better research and answers than the one your company just sent me.
I am looking forward to your response and solution to this problem.
— Art Ross