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How to transfer a Power Point file into iPhoto ?

A friend sent me some photos in .ppt file, will you please give me some advice. I`m trying put them into iphoto, but iphoto will not accept. I have a MacBook Pro 5,3

Comments: 2 Responses to “How to transfer a Power Point file into iPhoto ?”

    14 years ago

    If the photos are embedded inside the PowerPoint file, then you need something that can open a PowerPoint file. Then you'll need to export each one -- probably by copy and paste into Preview or Photoshop. You can buy Office for Mac which includes PowerPoint. Or, you could buy Keynote, which will open most PowerPoint files. Or, you can download and install something like OpenOffice (free) that may also be able to open it.
    Your best option is to ask your friend to send you the original photos. The actual image files (probably jpgs). The ones in the presentation may be smaller compressed versions anyway.

    14 years ago

    Thanks Gary.. I have these images in my down loads folder and when I press the Spacebar I can actually view them in QuickLook, but no option to send to iphoto. I just thought, since I can view them in QuickLook it would much simpler process.
    Thanks again !!!

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