Is there a way to lock down the items on the Dock so that you can’t accidentally drag them off? I have a very sensitive Wacom Bamboo tablet, and I keep doing this.
Shirl Parker
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Is There a Way To Lock the Dock In Lion?
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Yes, there is a way to do this. But only if you are comfortable with using Terminal commands.
The command to lock the Dock is:
defaults write contents-immutable -bool true
Then you need to restart the dock:
killall Dock
To unlock it again, use the same command but with false instead of true.
For anyone reading this that wants to lock the Dock for other users on their Mac (kids, etc) you can use Parental Controls to do this too.
Perfect! Thank you. Can I create a keyboard shortcut in Lion to enter this text in Terminal?
You probably can. I suppose you can make a .sh shell program to do so.