MacMost Now 710: Creating Forms With Tab Stops

If you need to create printable forms that have blank spaces, you should use tab stops instead of underscore characters. Using tab stops allows you to line up blank spaces perfectly, making your forms look more professional.

Comments: 11 Responses to “MacMost Now 710: Creating Forms With Tab Stops”

    12 years ago

    Thanks, I did find it use, Gary.

    12 years ago

    Gary, you are the best place for great tutorials for "the price". That why I bought your book although I never really have to read it much since your website covers it all and much more. But I felt good giving you something back for all the great tutorials. Thanks!

    Dr. Jacqui Cyrus
    12 years ago

    This is a most useful instructional video that I will share with my undergraduate students. Thanks.

    12 years ago

    I use this method in Indesign too, great video...

    12 years ago

    Much too simple. I mean what will I do with my old bottles of "white out" and "white out tape." Gary, thanks again for another great tutorial. I use tab all of the time for other things but never thought of it for this. By the way, see above a mention of a book. Please send link to it.

      12 years ago

      The book is my old one for Snow Leopard. For Lion, you should look at my Video Guide to Lion (link on left) -- and it is now free in the App Store.

    12 years ago

    Gary, have i told tou before that you are my mac god?? No? Well im saying it now.

    Thank you so much for all the tutorials you provide us. I cant believe all this great info is free.
    All hail the mac god!

    Michael Wheless
    12 years ago

    Gary, Great podcast! I am especially glad that you indicated a reason for guiding people in the use of tabs. I am in agreement with you that many people use the overly simple way to develop a form. I can understand why, as I do it myself many times because I haven't learned any better way. Your instructions were clear and simple.

    I am also becoming more aware of how you encourage your fellow Mac users to just experiment with controls. I have shied away from using the inspector feature, but you have encouraged me to fiddle around with it more.

    12 years ago

    I found that Tab Leaders do not behave correctly if "Measurement units" are set to Metric (System Preferences=>Language and Text=>Region). In US length units there is no problem.
    Tab Leaders' marks are displayed incorrectly for me if I follow your video (3:08) and have cm., not inches.
    My Pages version is 4.3 (1048), OS X v.10.8.2.

    11 years ago

    Thanks for your explanation, it was the only thing that helped me get things done tonight!


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